(no subject)

Jul 27, 2010 01:13

ouch my top lip is cut again for some reason and its really bothering me. and stupid mosquito bite by my knuckle as well.. thats even more annoying. and i need to sleep seriously, feeling kinda dizzy. but i need a drink first xD how complicated things are. but then i get a lie in tomorow! its my first in AGES! i am sooo happy~~ i get to sleep in and do lazy things like i used to, just for the day. even my sister is out so i get the computerr ahaha yay yayyyokay headache now so im gona make this quick:

they all won something! HELL YAYAH! first and second one tied 3rd place, and the last one got mods choice~

and yeah yday some friends came down from harrogate~ that was really good cus we havent seen them in ages and stuff ^^ didnt get much time though cus i had work and they came a bit late and left before i came back from work tis morning. ah well, seeing them again soon though hopefully ^^ but yeah my schedule is jam packed as usual. its hard only having 3 days off.. cus i kinda get annoyed at people who are constantly busy and its really hard to get them to come out, but now im like that.. different reasons though kahaha. im money makin' but still. but lately .. ive been out every day since.. god at least 2 weeks. at least. and tomorows my first day home! HOW FRICKING HAPPY AM I. now im gona sleep.

inuawards, visit, sleep, busy, days off, money, tired, work, lie in, icons

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