not anymore

Apr 22, 2010 21:32

FRIDAY OMGG ITS FRIDAYYY TOMOROWWW~ just get past maths and german and im all happy. yeah.. too bad ive got so much work this weekend, other than chinese skl i really wana go out, its gona be hot apparently. was it 22 degrees.. its meant to be the hottest day of the year, if its only 22 degrees thats lame! we're gona be having more of a winter than a summer then at this rate. im also stuck here. in england. bleghhh.

ummmm.. oh yeah was meant to do that damn damn damn chinese essays, SO. GAY. i can barely put a sentence together?! and this is for a competition! and ive left it for tomorow last minute -___- oh well i got to do it at some point, its gona be utter shit though.

okay. dishes, and finish this drama tonite hopefully, its so sad. (i wana make some icons of it tomorow~) its like one of those typical.. cute lovestory with loads of shit along the way that theyve managed to overcome, AND THEN THE BOY GETS CANCER. yeah. duh ^o). so annoying, but its soo saddd. now the girls moving on and stuff. and this boy is SO. CUTE<3 his smile<3 his face, he is so cute. blond or black hair. so yeah, really sadd, meant to be like a seriously sad lovestory. so err.. yeah. even though i hate depressing stuff, i cant help watching it. and seriously if this girl was a BIT more emotional, id be crying like ALL the time, but shes not really, and .. maybe cus i cant empathise with her cus shes not like me at all, and im just like shouting at her like whyd you do that! your an idiot! kinda thing. so yeah.. but i cry so easily nowadays its annoying. so i probably will in the end. mmm.. probably-definitely haha

ugh! my mum gave me more oranges. this time like stacked like a mountain and i actually killed myself eating it all cus she told me to, and just just came in like WOAH you ate it all! i didnt think you wud! NOT FUNNY MUM. ugh no i seriously had too many ><

koizora, asian dramas, oranges, weather, friday, chinese homework

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