jump into my heart~

Apr 12, 2010 21:46

okay this has been a completely like, hey say jump/morning musume fanday. mainly hsj, been on a rampage saving all these random pictures<3 now i have loads, again haha florence gave me another group as well, so ill have fun looking through that later ^^ 
ahaha. just now planning revision xD me and kamen and florence sed we'd fit in some revision tomorow at florences house, which wud be good on my conscience. yeah cus yday i spent about 10 minutes out of like.. hmm 5 hours revising, sitting in the living room. i watched loads of tv instead. so yeah. gona try get into the maths revision tomorow as well, even though we didnt sign up xD who cares. apparently it dusnt matter. but we can go out after anyway if we get kicked out.
but yeah, one hsj picture and im off~ douuuuuzo

hey say jump, revision, morning musume

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