break out

Mar 10, 2010 23:55

no im not joking. IVE FINISHED TASK 2!!! well the electronic part anyway. the computery part. i just got to do all them damn drawings tomorow, and print and shit. BUT OMG IM DONE! SUCH A RELIEF i swear im about to drop dead. i feel like a robot atm, barely moved for a few hours. i sed that i wudnt do this last time, cus i left task 1 till last minute as well, and i sed i wudnt do that for task 2 xD and i didnt keep that promise. im too selfish and do everything i want first, and then get super distracted, and THEN wen its like 10, then i start work. hm. i have bad habits galore.
throat is suspiciously dry as well. I BETTER NOT BE ILL! AND NOT WITH A SORE THROAT! I HATE! THEM! and theres so much to do atm. oh crap, staying up late all the time for homework is actually gona make me ill if im not alredy. woopsy.
and i duno wat to get my mum for this sunday. =/ i need to think of something. otherwise, get dad to come with me, and get her some port wine or something.
but on the bright side! my mum bought some pie!! PIE~!! chicken and mushroom~ the longish ones i like, i dont mind the ones that look like fat muffins, but i prefer these flat pastry ones. FOR BREAKFAST<3 they make a me a happy morning ^^ i will even get out of bed on time if it means i get pie. yum. but right now i need some water for this stupid dry dry throat
anyway, icons for this week~ inuawards was late again, i hate suspense xD but its good to look forward to something after skl. got 3rd place for one of my icons, having a place at all is fine by me really, proves that my effort pays off ^^ so here. [middle one won] and goodnight. i need to sleep.

inuawards, mothers day, sore throat, bad habits, pie, ict, icons

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