my legs are kinda aching from sitting in some like, kneeling position on this chair for like an hour xD ergh, there goes another useless night, with no work done. LOL i swear i am SO filled up with art atm, i have NO time for graphics yet theyre expecting us.. to finish the whole game. like in two weeks. on the board ALONE ive spent about like a MONTH?? finishing? nuh uh. not gona happen. plus fricking art wants us to go on a museum trip thing IN OUR OWN TIME. IN the holidays. ARGH FUCK SAKE I HAVE NO TIME! and oh yeah. produce 4 a3 pages on it ¬¬. everytime i think about all the work i need to do my fingers are just itching for something to strangle the life out of. oh hey dont forget task 1, 2 and 3 is due after half term too. hm. -___-+
it dusnt help im so booked up too. and low on money. just keeps getting better.
at least ive half kinda, cleared a bit up of my C drive, that was really dangerously close to getting full. im gona have to move some important things over to the D drive incase the laptop gets a virus or something and i cant recover things. my cousin warned me anyway xD so i better do it.
just turned on buono~ now im in a better less-sarcastic mood =D i need to LEARN the songs! watched the pv and cover making~ so cute and funny hahaha. i currently want a vest, thats a cross between miyabi's in gachinko, and airi's in our songs. that wud be nice<3
saikou music~ saikou buono~
oh and i do actually thing i have an obsession for custard donuts from morrisons. i have.. at least 2 a day and my mum buys a new pack like everyday xD ohsoyum<3