been sorting through old clothes, so nostalgic~~ loads of really young ones too. been put in a massive bag for charity, i think we're need 10 of those. i wish i cud keep loads of them xD i remember wearing them so much, but then theres loads id LIKE to get rid of too. LOL. it wud be nicer if we were going them to people we knew though haha. oh well. think of the poor children xD
ah right now. need to crack down to chinese hwk, lucky its just words today, no essay/sentences, woo. just finished my icons, this week. theyre alrite. i like like one more, but the one i like most .. alot of the time never wins xD its some random other one. haha well yeah, and then after hwk, sort everything else and then bed. tomorow is complicated, i need to check train times too, cus my train line aint.. open =/ how annoying, so for chinese skl we'll go to sidcup or something and then yeah. any change to trains or train times is hella annoying. so much trouble. different winter train times is bad enough.
got buono, cnblue, snsd, and ze:a on repeat~ just my favourite single from each. wow i love these songs<3 OMG I HAVENT ADDED UKISS! AH UKISS~~ reminds me.. i need to dl untouchables album, recommended by zoe, meant to be good this time, i hope so, i was disappointed by the last one, major mp3 clearout time. I HATE HAVING 2GB!