i need you like a heartbeat

Jan 25, 2010 20:47

YAAY tokyo day and nicolas party will pull me through this week. will be a good weekend~! but its only like monday. i dont mind tuesdays though, mainly sports and stuff. bearable. i hate wednesdays and by thursday im looking forward to the weekend =) thats the story of my life hahha. well at least its just about.. 3 ish weeks till half term
DAMN! my sister can go to paris for like £225, disneyland, cruise on river, chocolate factory, stay in hotel, including food and drink etc. &more  DAMNN! i hate my skl much.
i hate it wen i wana eat food. but there isnt watever food im wanting. which i dont even knoe.. wat it is.. yeah i hate that. LOL normally its just out of boredom. so its okay really. bored = food, i realised that at zoes house wen i was sitting there bored and was tryna calculate wat food i cud have, which reminded me of my pocky that florence and vivian hid xD i found it and ate it though, so its good.

last weeks fails:
you can tell i was uninspired, wenever i dont make three i am seriously lacking in ideas.

weekend, tokyo day, food, icons

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