step by step

Jan 17, 2010 02:06

owww. my lip has decided to cut itself and it hurts. =( plus i need to do the dishes. LOL and its wat, like 2. ah well done it before anyway xD ooh its 01:59~ 2pm!<3 hahaha
oh. i wish i got my conacts today zoes got them atm after i gave the money for it to hopefully get collected for me, but it was annoying cus i cudnt stay for long and stuff. had to go find a camera with my parents who were waiting. BUT I GOT A CAMERA NOW! its so cool. and cute. its a cute shape haha. kodak, 12mp~ oh and touchscreen? strange, but i like it. and im planning to stick some stuff on it, ive alredy got my biscuit keyring on it xD i bet ill get annoyed with it eventually. and i wana stick a squishy cookie sticker on it too. but its kinda.. not completely mine. like. half.. or less. but ill use it the most LOL family camera..? i guess, except the family dont use cameras that much anyway. ill probably need it alot for my next art, as long as its the individuality one, and if im taking media then i need it. i wanted one for ages anyway, just not like desperately. still. ill buy an ipod some other time.
i need to get rich! i have like £20 atm.. including next weeks pocket money. how cruel T_T it takes me AGES to get back my mum, cus my pocket money goes down to £5 wen my mum feels like it. -__-
oh RAIN as well! it rained so much today! i really hate rain unless im sat in the warm inside and it dusnt bother me. GRR! i wud have liked to take some pictures though with the camera, but i got it like last thing.. so i didnt take much. =( boo.
yeah i need to go wash the dishes now. and fix myself something to eat. so damn hungry.

money, contact lenses, rain, dishes, food, camera

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