it was real, i can feel it.

Dec 22, 2009 00:37

yashashi, karashi mo suki yo~ amai, kuchizuke no anata no nioi~
i still love it. looove kioku no meiro. and high king songs, woo highking~<3 i had loads of different moods to do things today, i spent ages just watching stuff like.. dvd magazines, buono stuff, momusu and berryz. oh AND c-ute stuff xD basically h!p. have so much to watch, im not done xD but THEN. i felt like photoshopping, so i downloaded a load of fonts and brushes, and i have done some stuff, two sets of three's on icons. was gona make a banner kinda thing, but im sticking to icons atm. simple. made one more icon and an animation as well, falling.. watever it is. quite a productive day ^^
ah the snow, the traffic and stuff ive heard is terrible, am i glad im not out, but im excited about tomorow and wednesday =D its simple, but shud be fun. sleepover with nicola and carianne and bet, then me and bet are gona leave the next morning and probably find abbie and then go to nicolas, and then go play in the snow? which will hopefully still exist. i just hope buses and stuff are working okay.. i dont take well to waiting.
LOL and i didnt watch ANY anime =O well. mainly cus the subbed eps arent out yet. =/ how gay how gay.
oooh aaaaaaand, haircut on thursday! yeah. 24th. i booked today, yatta! i get to have decent hair again hopefully! its about time xD thats about it. photoshopped blah's under the cut. 3 DAAAAAAAAAAAAAYSS! i still got to get some presents.. ^^" woops. just family really haha.

^i really like this picture, i had to merge the tree closer though, cus its actually quite far away from her. but i dont think i did a very good job. sigh. nm nm. was stuck on ideas haha

^i was gona make a banner with this one, but i like icons better and i quite like sets of three's. so i did one ^^ i had trouble finding where to put the 'kanjiru' bit. cus i wanted it placed like that against the text but it wudnt show up anywhere. so i put it at the top and it works =) BUT. kagome and kikyous skin is a bit too coloured. cudnt help that if i wanted to keep the sizes. so woops.

^oh woops. i didnt put it together wen editting, was estimating positions.. and i guess i made kagome too big xD and i swear i made the middle on kinda clouded too -__- i must have undone it without realising. i had to blend the tree together as well, kag and inu were two separate pictures. i think that looks natural enough x)

and miroku.. and the falling.. red stuff. well its not blood. i hope. LOL no i dont think its blood. this is the bit in movie2 wen hes like sango come into my arms or something LOLL and she rejects him loools. wanted to try something that wasnt snow, so i chose this =)

high king, christmas, photoshop, snow, presents

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