i'll come to you

Nov 01, 2009 01:36

yeah i was bored as hell today, for some reason. oh yeah, it was cus my internet was being fricking SLOW and all my videos were taking so long to load, so i opened up photoshop and worked with watever image i liked. made 6 icons, i was that bored. for some reason icba to stay online, even though my mums like asleep, and my sisters not even home, and tomorows a sunday, why? i duno why. just dont feel like it =/
woo im gona be able to kinda read japanese! just wait a few years eh.

LOL you can tell wen i like an image, i do more than one version of it xD

oh how i dread monday.
and tomorow, not much better, my homework day. which will end up with me not doing homework and rushing it last minute and being screwed at by my mother.

japanese, photoshop, boredom

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