May 11, 2006 23:13
alright, real posting time.
i had one horrible day of subbing yesterday. heathens from the belly of Beelzebub. kindergarteners that i hope to never have under my care again. wow. rough time in that class, and i had people to help too. basically i wanted to wring the necks of a couple of kids. but, thankfully, they were protected by a little thing called the law...and my conscience. good thing for them. naw, it wasn't liek they were all running rampant the entire day-mainly that they were very .... disorienting and mainly didn't understand resepct at all. not to be mean, it just wasn't set in yet by anyone. ick. so yeah dealt with that, and no breakfast or lunch (diet coke) and me and my mom got stuff and d&d after school, i got a bagel and she got a smoothie, (which i tasted, yummy!!) and we went home where i basically collapsed into my bed and took a nap for a few hours, my dad woke me up for supper-which was yucky. (soupy bbq grossness-yuck)
and i suddenly realized i missed the fucking season finale of smallville b/c i'm a dumb idiot. god dammit. i'm such a dolt sometimes. wtf....
i'll watch it hopefully over the summer or something....they'll put it on reruns eventually. uck.
yeah....and i worked for my camp boss this afternoon, worked on some ideas for orientation, and it was lots of fun for me actually. it was cool.
so anyhoo...i'm going to go. b/c i'm lame. and i don't feel like writing right now.