20th click || Will our peaceful end come?

Sep 22, 2008 12:39

I... I almost wish... I mean... not to... not to make... fun of those... who were cursed... but... I kind of... wanted to try that... uniform... with the little skirt... and... the gloves... it's pretty...

But... I would probably have looked... really silly... in it... mmmn... So... it was good... mmn... that I... wasn't cursed...

Ano... I... I...

[Filtered from Chikane]

Chikane's birthday... it's really soon... mine as well... the same day... it's... it's funny, ne? and... I want to give her... something special... but I... I can't think of anything...

Maybe... some of you... have better ideas... than me? I mean... I... I know... I'm not very imaginative...


Ne, Guy-san... you... you're alright? Those girls... they... they didn't... ano...?

Mmn... I wonder what Chikane-chan... what she'd have looked like... in that... uniform...

And... ano... Orihime-chan! Thank you for the dinner! Next time... there'll... there'll be a next time... soon... ne? you should bring Tatsuki-chan, ne? I... I asked her... and... and she said... she wanted to... and... and I want to take a picture of you... so... so I don't forget...


No dreams... for a lot of days now... it's... it's nice... maybe... it didn't mean anything... after all... like Chikane-chan said...

[/end private]

Oh! That reminds me... Natalia-san! You... you still want... to go to the academy?

[ooc: Himeko wants to be a good Himeko and give her Chikane something special... so... throw your ideas at her. She'll sputter at dirty suggestions. Plz? It would be fun.]

orihime-chan, only a dream?, thinking dirty thoughts about chikane-ch, me wantz sailor fuku, natalia-san, guy-san, not cursed, chikane-chan, post-curse, tatsuki-chan, this is reality ne?

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