another morning...

Feb 19, 2004 08:38

I hate to bitch like this...but I am REALLY FUCKING SICK of waking up early in the morning to come down to this bullshit office where I do my zombie work all day (if i choose to even do any work). I need more flexibility. I am a night person. I am creative at night. I am awake at night. No matter how exhausted I may feel at 2 in the afternoon, I am WIDE AWAKE from 10 PM until i force myself into bed. But if I get to work any later than 8 AM, the traffic is too unbearable. blah. anyways. I feel better now.

I started this amazing noise track last night. I just basically did 7 minutes of semi-live synth manipulation, fucking with the arpeggiator, filters and LFO's and what-not...I say semi live, because I recorded it all as midi so I could quantize and do some minor editing before I committed it to audio...So i did the one main recording of it, and layered 2 other patches with the same midi data to audio tracks just to spread out the spectrum a bit. Tonight I do drums. No internet time wasting tonight. All noise. I want to finish something. I have been listening to so much stuff and getting so much inspiration that i just HAVE to turn it all into at least ONE track that i'd slam to as hard as I do to, lets say, "Shockfront" by Converter...The only thing that scares me is the crash that occurred when i was working last night...luckily i've trained myself to SAVE after almost every change i make...i got an error i'd never gotten before from Logic. it said "ASIO: Too many interrupts." That sounds scary. And i kept clicking "OK" but it wouldn't go i had to reset my machine with the power supply switch =(
I think i need new ram and better CPU cooling. at least i hope thats it, cuz re-installing XP sure didn't do anything...and I really don't want to do anything more expensive than replace fans and RAM...
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