(no subject)

Oct 22, 2006 15:21

Haha. Sunday again.. and that means.... whee!



In the distance, the burnt-out remains of the pier glide, eerily, above the roiling sea, like streaks of charcoal on a watercolour painting.

Draco no longer wanted to paint.

In his study, he knew, Harry would be looking for him, flushed and sweaty, his eyes shining viridian even in dimmed light.

The richness of his Gryffindor Quidditch robes will never fade, and in his hand - fluttering its delicate wings - the Snitch will never cease its victorious hum.

Draco lays his head on the windowsill, feeling the wind tear through his hair, making his eyes water.

Every morning, he has the same routine. He flings open the double doors, draws the shades, and greets his last masterpiece.

‘Good morning, sweetheart.’


Draco Malfoy was rather notorious
For being insufferable when he was victorious
He had hair that was neat
And indulged in deceit
But nonetheless, Harry thought he was glorious.

drabble, fic, hp

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