Or, well, I'll get to it by the end, anyway. In the meantime, what I've been up to:
1. Averting homicide, a.k.a. working on a presentation with my group for class. Note to self: do not henceforth agree to a topic on which one member feels very strongly, or at least not one that that member feels very strongly about. Thankfully, we got through it with no bloodshed, and even managed to turn the fact that we are renowned for loud disagreement into entertainment during the presentation. I know of a few groups that adore each other, and a few groups that despise each other, but ours is unique. We fight like... I'm not going to say it, because the cliche police will hunt me down, but we fight messily, and yet at the end of the day there's a weird kind of affection among us.
2. Wondering just how bad I look on a daily basis. I will be the first to admit that I'm not big on the everyday girlyisms; on a good day, it's a sweater and slightly trendier jeans, most likely with wildly chaotic semi-curly hair. We all dressed up for today, though, and no fewer than five people commented on how nice I looked. On the one hand, yay! Compliments! On the other... they all sounded really surprised. Huh. *raises eyebrow*
3. Finals. Next week. Ew.
And that's pretty much it. Have a meme.
Gakked from
ignipes and
laceymcbain :
The first article title on the page is the name of your band.2.
The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.3.
The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.4. Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together.
5. Post your cover, along with these instructions. In the comments your friends will tell you what kind of music you play and the name of the album's single.
I'm a little bit in love with the quote the title comes from: "It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more." - Woody Allen
So... who am I and what do I sound like?