Nov 13, 2007 22:53
First up: I passed!!! Go me! I get to stay! \o/
I laugh, because there are some very Type A personalities out there tonight celebrating grades that once upon a time would have made them pass out with horror. *g*
I have one assignment due tomorrow, and then a relatively light week. I fully intend to catch up on good stuff, provided the computer doesn't crash and burn on me. (And with mine's history, that could be literal...) It keeps going funky in the display, with these bizarre vertical lines appearing that I think signal Very Bad Things. *sigh* I did not want to make that drive again this soon.
On the plus side, I went behind the scenes at the zoo last Sunday, and it was thoroughly awesome. I got to pet the elephants and look a tiger in the eye from about a foot's space away. Yeah. Fantastic. If I had a decent camera, I would subject you all to pictures. My phone just ain't gonna cut it, sadly. That might get fixed around Christmas, though. The mom has been making noises about cameras-as-gifts. Any recommendations?
Oh, and critter update: it took about the span of one day's explorations and a night of pure hell which involved much lamentation and wailing (his and mine), but Boston has gone from Poor, Pitiful Little Kitty to full on bossy brat. It's great. I've been sleeping with a big warm dog down one side of me and a purring kitty on the other. Such things can't be overestimated.
On the subject of SPN 3x06...
Got a (spoilery) question 'bout the Great Beyond:
Okay, so, the boys did a seance and called up Brother Ahab to see to Brother Benedict Arnold. I get that. (Grr. Why can't they have given them names?) What I want to know is, what are the boundaries we know of for who you can and can't get in contact with? On the one hand, we see dead people everywhere. On the other, I don't think you can just summon forth anybody you want. No hunter, for instance, seems too inclined to dial up whoever they lost to get them into the gig in the first place. Part of this, I imagine, is tied up in the oft-repeated "What's dead should stay dead," but I wonder if that's all of it. Once you move on/find peace/Ascend, are you unreachable? Everyone that I can think of that they've had contact with post mortem has been very much a restless spirit.
So, was the older brother around all along? They mention the idea of ghost ships as harbingers of death...
(AND OMG WE INTERRUPT THIS SERIOUS THOUGHT TO SAY: my cat just rolled off the couch. Like, he flirted himself right onto the floor. With a thump. Whereupon my dog came over to check on him and the cat was too stunned to remember he's not supposed to be a dog fan. I'll just be over here dying laughing.)
Where was I? Harbingers of death. Right. So, the ship is bad news, but a sign isn't always a cause. Think banshees. What I wonder is, given the older brother's fairly obvious heartbreak over the whole affair, is the ship maybe more his doing? He was her captain, after all. It would make more sense for him to be linked to her eternally. Plus, I've rewatched that graveyard scene a couple times, and the ship sounds don't start up until the older brother appears. None of the death scenes get the ship sounds at all.
(If this is the most obvious thing ever, please ignore me. Ditto if everyone and their mother has already noticed it.)
Also, Dean taking down that security system? Ahem. Thank you, Kripke.
episode non-commentary,
getting schooled,
life in general,