Stats/Permission Meme.

Feb 01, 2007 18:20

Name: Lisa Garland.
Age: 23.
Birthday: Unknown
Bloodtype: Freaky and copious.
Height: Average for an American woman?
Weight: Ditto.

Medical Info: Dead. Still breathing, and I imagine her vital organs operate out of habit just because she doesn't have the imagination to think of them doing otherwise, but the bleeding kind of gives it away.

Eyes: Greenish-hazel -- see icon.
Hair: Mid-back, blonde, straight.
Physical traits: Nice body, quite pretty, nothing really outstanding.

What's Okay To Mention Around Her: Anything goes, but areas that will get a reaction include death, the faceless nurses, monsters and zombies. She's easily scared and startled, and please don't take it personally if a thread is very short -- that's just how she is.

If she thinks you're threatening hospital staff, she's likely to lash out ineffectually, moreso if she's frightened -- she's got that frightened person's habit of assuming the worst in any situation and reacting accordingly.

Conversely, what will get a favourable reaction is hospital and medical stuff, an interest in old movies and musicals, mild flirting.

Mentionable IC: Lisa really doesn't like being reminded of the fact that she's dead. She's also very conscious of Cheryl's secrets, and she's not likely to tell people much about Heather or Silent Hill, beyond that the Other Hospital exists. If you push, you're likely to get somewhere, but expect it to take a long time.

Abilities: Lisa's trained as a nurse. She can patch up minor injuries, make a mean bed, take your temperature, do paperwork. That's about it.

... if she ever went into faceless nurse mode, she would rend you limb from limb, or at least attempt to.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure! Just get in contact via e-mail (preferred), g-mail chat or IRC first (I'm usually on IRC as some variation of Kon, but have been known to use Clark, OtherRobin, Minagawa, Lisa or Shaggy).

Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Lisa herself can be pretty clingy, so she appreciates a bit of touching -- except from Emilio. D<

Maim/Murder/Death: Lisa's already dead, so sure, go for it. You'll be able to kill her pretty easily. If that's what you're after, let me know in IRC so I don't have her flee first/it doesn't interfere with any plans, and you are prepared for Lisa to avoid your character hereafter. Be warned though -- Heather looks out for Lisa, and Heather is seriously not someone you want to piss off.

Cooking: Lisa can cook, but nothing particularly special. The food she takes to the patients is delivered from the Mess Hall, and she just reheats it as needed.

Additional Notes: Lisa's a bit character in a game franchise that's known for its psychological edge, and a lot about her is never made explicit. Although she tells us that she's not the only one still walking around, that she's the same as the other nurses, some of the most popular monsters in the Silent Hill franchise, that only makes things more complicated -- are the other nurses also dead hospital staff? Did Alessa kill them all to create the other hospital? Lisa was apparently murdered (although suicide is another strong possibility) -- does her death place her in the Silent Hill otherworld? Or is she entirely a construct created from Alessa's memories of her?

I'm playing Lisa as if her death trapped her in the Otherworld -- unlike Harry and Kaufmann, you never see her in Silent Hill, and she tells Harry that she can't leave the hospital, that she has a feeling she shouldn't. I'm also playing her on the theory that although Alessa protected her, keeping Lisa as Lisa rather than being transformed into a monster like the other nurses, and keeping the parts of her memory that dealt with her death from her. Once Lisa remembered she was dead, she started coming undone. I think this shows that while shielded and to an extent controlled by Alessa, Lisa nonetheless had some self-determination, and so I'm playing her that how well she controls the bleeding/undead appearance depends very much on her control and mental state (which is pretty fragile). Also the break room appeared when she did, and it reflects Lisa's ability to control herself. When she's in a good mood, it's fine, a little run down, but useable, on a bad day ... watch out.

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