
Jul 16, 2005 02:42

im at edens mays residence,
right now.
we just got back from being outside
for 2 frikin hours.....!!!

we started out going to get kyle
and when we knocked on the window his mom
came to it,but shes cool so she didnt
say anyhthing.

then when we got kyle,
we went to steves again. lol
he came outside and we set of firecrackers.

of course.

we tried to get daniel toroli to come
outside but we think he was sleeping,
or he was scared to look out the window.

after we tried to get dan we started walking and
steve descides to throw a fire cracker in the pool
that people were swimming in.

so he threw it in the pool and we all split.
but then me and eden lost the boys so we went
to look for them.
when we go to the road we saw someone walking.

i thought it was an old granpa but eden said it
was to late for someone to take a walk like that,
since it wqas 1 in the morning.

so we saw who it was....


we ran up to him and e said he would be right
back because he had to go get "stuff".
so we waited,,and waited,,and waited.

then we walk to steves house and waited
then me and eden were hiding by the trees
and this car pulls up!!!
so me and eden put our hoods up and ducked down!!!

we thought they were giong to ge us.
but then we saw the car drive off...
but then it stopped and turned around so we
had to get back down..

i was sooo scared.

then steve never came so me and eden left.
now we are sitting here.

~i think i sprained my ankle when we jumped in the trees!!!~
~and eden thinks she has somethink wrong woth her foot!~
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