Feb 15, 2009 21:13
I love the satisfaction of getting stuff I procrastinated on done in a matter of an hour, like a three page paper, and an exam. Ahhh.....relief. So I haven't been online in ages because I've been playing Fallout 3. It's seriously crack. And I got the greatest necklace in the whole world that I ordered. My brother also won a contest on this british T-Shirt site and he won three more tshirts valuing at $30 each, and he let me get one. So I have a "Slaughtered Lamb" shirt which is made from the Pub sign in American Werewolf in London. I'm wearing it RIGHT now. I don't think anyone I've come across knows what it's from. Oh well....they can't all be winners. I hope everyone is doing well, and I look forward to hearing from people. Consider this an opening to "How have YOU been?" Go ahead. Answer. It's alright.