Okay, it's not that ambiguous. You can probably tell which pairing it is, and you can definitely tell who the woman is. But, anyway, back to the fic...
Title: Ultimate Sacrifice
Author: rhin_ariel
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Sparky, technically
Warnings: Implied character death
Summary: Love is a strange thing. It’s one of those things where you don’t look for it, but you find it.
Love is a strange thing. It’s one of those things where you don’t look for it, but you find it. I mean; I definitely wasn’t looking to fall in love when I came to Atlantis.
But then again, I wasn’t expecting to end up in another galaxy to start with.
Funny thing is, she was the reason I ended up in this galaxy. She insisted I came. And then, somewhere along the line, I fell in love with her. I’m not sure when though. I think I started realising after the Genii incident. It was afterwards, when we were sat in the control centre in the eye of the storm. She was sat in a chair practically asleep. Her eyes were closed and she was so pale. I started thinking about what had happened, about how she could have died. She looked a little like she was dead then, nothing personal of course. And I started feeling terrible. I began releasing how much losing her would hurt.
I kept it all quiet though. I wasn’t going to go around telling people that I might be in love with my boss now, would I? But as time passed, every time something happened, she was the first thing I thought about. She was in my dreams and in my thoughts. There wasn’t a moment when I suddenly realised I loved her; I just sort of accepted it after a while.
When a guy’s in love, he usually says all kind of things to a woman. He says he’ll do anything for her. It’s like that song; ‘I Would Do Anything for Love’. But, everyone forgets the rest of the line; ‘But I Won’t Do That’. There’s always something a guy won’t do. And top of their list is probably dying for the woman they love. No guy in his right mind would get himself killed for some woman.
Guess I’m not in my right mind then.
It was such a small thing. I just took one step to the left. One step so I was stood in front of her. One bullet, and then another and another. I took a bullet for her. Or more I took five bullets for her, in total. One got her, but it was in the shoulder. She’ll be fine though.
And now I’m watching over her as she’s lying in the infirmary. I guess that makes me a ghost. No one can see me, and I’m fairly sure at least one nurse has walked through me. I’ve seen then bring my body through the Gate, into the infirmary and pronounce me dead. I’ve watched them working on her in surgery. At one point her heart stopped, blood loss or something. And for that one brief moment, I saw her standing in the corner of the room. She was watching the surgery aghast, and then she looked up at me. I think that was the moment when she realised I loved her. And then her ghost disappeared as they restarted her heart.
Yep, I never told her how I felt. Not once did I tell her I loved her. I think it’s one of those things that a guy can’t do, like asking for directions or putting the seat back down. If she remembers that moment, her near death experience, then maybe she’ll know how I feel. Although, it’s a little late now. We can’t be together now, but at least she can live on. Atlantis needs its leader. That’s how it will be justified. I was giving my life to give Atlantis a future under its leader.
People do crazy thing when they’re in love. I guess I just did the craziest of all. But the real question is, do I regret it? Do I regret that I will never be with her? Do I regret that she’ll probably never know how I felt? Do I regret dying for someone else? And the answer to it all…
No. I regret nothing.
But, when she wakes up. When she asks where I am. When I see her reaction when they say I am dead. Only then perhaps, will I regret it. If it hurts her, if I’m the reason she’s sad, then maybe I’ll regret it. I wanted to save her, not hurt her.
So, like I said, love really is a strange thing. It’s strange and infuriating and it will drive you mad. And it’s also the most wonderful feeling in the world. Face it, I’m dead and I still feel on top of the world when I see her. But, I think I’ve hit a slight snag with my genius plan.
Who’s going to take the bullet if it happens again?
Outta interest, are there and LJ communities for posting Atlantis fic, be it of any genre/rating/pairing/general weirdness? I keep meaning to look, and then forget.