I dreamed the night before of a strange world indeed, one where a castle stood protected by an army of spearmen who had mastered a most unusual method of attack. Amassing themselves on the parapet, they would link arm in arm with each other, and, as the enemy army below reached the rampart, the spearmen would uncoil down the wall, rolling over their foes like a pincushioned tentacle thirty men wide.
This vista, incredible though it was, held me for but a moment. Then I found myself before twin tomes, one dark, one light. In the one, esoteric symbols beyond earthly ken, fey lines crisscrossing the yawning gulfs of its parchment. In the other, a line of symbols familiar and true, culminating in a helmeted visage which I must be acquainted with by now as my own. I turned: "I only have to... read one?"
"Choose, and remake this world again anew."
I swallowed. Alright then. "Triangle, circle, square, X... MASTER CHIEF!"
If I ever go insane, rest assured it will be really cool for me.
My dream last night was more ordinary. My ex and I had run into each other at a skateboard... whatdyacallit... ramp trick contest. We were both reticent at first, but then we started talking.
bearr was participating. He did this trick where he grabbed his board mid-air and - yes - air guitared on it. He did a TV news interview afterwards about it. I got to really impress my ex by telling her, "I know that guy!"
My ex's gait gathers a marching quality when I'm working in Towers and she must walk past me. It always looks like an especially venomous glare to me. Glare by non-acknowledgement, if you will. I guess it shouldn't surprise me, really. It was a while ago, but I can't deny that the last message I sent her was intended to wound... any more than I can take it back. Perhaps I could try letting this state of affairs go to my head as a writer. Anyone can make an ex angry, but to get them so they won't give you so much as a fraction of a second of eye contact, three months later? That's class.
Still, I keep thinking of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, the part when he calls up the girl he loved in his own weird way (and tried to kill) and tenders the best apology he can, concluding, I just ask for what we all ask of the people we respect - That the thought of me does not compel you to violent spasms of projectile vomiting. I believe my days of getting that much from H. are through. She's made it quite clear that she doesn't welcome hearing from me.
I'd like to rescue her from a mugger. I even have it all planned out in my head, the way I'd use this one move we learned in Tae Soo Do to break his arm in two places.
Anyone wanna earn 20 bucks?
I admit, it was with some trepidation that I approached the 'What is your theme song?' quiz. Silly me.
Your Theme Song:
"Bohemian Rhapsody", Queen
Magnifico, Freddie. Magnifico.
'What is your theme song?' at
QuizGalaxy.com It should have come as no surprise, I suppose. Freddie Mercury was of course born in Zanzibar, and the second game of the Metal Gear series, which I of course am dedicated to heart and soul, takes place in Zanzibar Land, a fact no doubt taken into account by the ruthless, serpentine circuitry that houses the WiyTSQ's pitiless algorithms. Not to mention Freddie penned Rhapsody in 1975, eight years to the year before I was born. But could even the unthinkably sophisticated Byzantine device that is the WiyTSQ, remorselessly efficient though it may be, find a song that encapsulated my wily, yet playful nature?
Did you really think otherwise? "When the band wanted to release [Bohemian Rhapsody] as a single in 1975, it had been suggested that, at 5 minutes and 55 seconds, it was far too long and would thus never be a hit. But Mercury gave a copy of the single to friend and London DJ, Kenny Everett, informing him that it was for him personally, and that he must never play it. The reverse psychology worked and Everett ended up playing the song on the air, up to fourteen times in the same day."
[1] (Parting Pimping: For all you Queen/Evangelion fans who haven't yet seen it, I urge checking this
music video of Rhapsody out.)