Sep 26, 2007 21:28
So here is a look back through the years of the screen names. Notice (with the exception of the 1st SN) there is usually a nickname/joke... followed by my location... and then my age.
1) SlimshadyP14 - Yes... I thought I was black for a year... and I thought he was black too.
2) SmartGuyGB15 - I think Josh Jones was the inspiration for this one... he called me SmartGuy in spanish all the time.... I think it may be cause he could never remember my name.
3) SilentBobGB16 - I like(d) Kevin Smith movies.
4) DuffManGB17 - Yeah I dont know what I was thinking on that one... but Duff Man was, and still is one of the best characters on the Simpsons "OH YEAH!"
5) MAdamGB18 - Oh Alicia... I love you. Thanks for that nick name.
6) I Hate MCC GB19 - Yah... I hate Mott that much to make a SN about it.
7) CoolKidAtMCCGB20 - It got to the point where Mott became more of a joke than an educational insitution. And because of that... I felt I was the coolest kid at the school.
8) AOneKzoo21 - This was primarily based on my nickname at CBS, A-One. It stems from the first tournament I worked when a kid named Andrew worked with me as well... they kept getting us confused so I was nicknamed A-One and he was A-Two. Well A-Two had a problem with stealing shit and is no longer invited to work golf tournaments. 3 years later... I am still A-One... but at least they remember me.
9) AntiCommunist22 - It stemmed from a favorite movie line of my from All The Presidents Men.
:::drum roll please:::
From now until I am the age of 24 my new screen name will be..........
Frankly... if you don't know who or what Milpool is... I'm not going to explain. Google it.