Title: The Call of Blood
angelus2hotRating: PG
Word Count: 122
Prompt: 222 Minor Character
Characters/Pairing: Dracula
He had lived a very long time, traveled the world and nothing had ever appealed to him as much as the small woman lying on the bed in front of him. There's nothing he could ever want more than her. He wanted all of her. Her blood, her body, her very soul. He can hear her blood call to him. Tempting, teasing, urging him to taste her. And he can't resist.
She barely whispered 'ouch' before a soft moan escaped her as his fangs slipped into the soft skin of her neck. He drank as if starved. As if her blood would be his last meal on earth. And for him it just might be. He wanted nothing else. Only her. Forever.