(no subject)

Jan 13, 2011 17:40

Title: Forbidden Places
Rating: PG
Word Count: 136
Prompt: 204 (Seconds)
Characters/Pairing: Giles/Jenny

"That's not where I dangle it ." She let the mischievous words hang in the air. As she walked past Giles, a small smile pulled the corners of her mouth upwards at the look of confusion on his face. She really wished she could be there when he finally understood what she had meant.

The seconds slid by as Giles tried to grasp the meaning of her words. He really wished he knew exactly what part of her body a woman like her would dangle an earring from? Finally, a look of shock covered his face as it dawned on him. Shock was followed quickly by a slow, wicked grin.

Maybe he could even learn to like the computer after all. Especially if he was taught by someone who liked to dangled earrings from forbidden places.

Title: The Special Hell
Author: angelus2hot
Rating: PG
Word Count: 188
Prompt: 204(Seconds)
Characters/Pairing: Mal/Saffron

He had never been married. Truth be told he'd never wanted to. Not ever. But sometimes the universe has a cruel way of giving one the very thing they didn't want. Apparently today was his day.

Mal stared down at the woman who stood naked before him, his mouth hung open in complete and utter shock. He was the captain of this boat. This couldn't be happening to him. But it was.

As he listened to her words giving him the permission to be a husband for only one night; the time to deny himself what his body so plainly desired slipped away as the seconds flew by. His control snapped and before he knew how it happened she'd kissed him and God help him, he kissed her back.

As her body molded itself to his one thought ran through his mind, the preacher was right; he was going to go to the special hell. But that was okay, he could tell by the way her body moved against his as they kissed it would be worth it. Besides he didn't mind people who talked at the theater.

Title: Fool For Love
Author: angelus2hot
Rating: PG
Word Count: 205
Prompt: 204(Seconds)
Characters/Pairing: Spike(Spike/Buffy implied)

Spike waited impatiently for the amulet to do something, anything. But as the seconds quickly ticked past and nothing happened; it became clear to him the piece of gaudy jewelry wasn't worth the embarrassment of wearing it. As his hands reached to remove it, suddenly it began to sting his body as the metal heated up.

"Buffy!" He cried out, a reflex nothing more. He hadn't really expected her to answer. She had her hands full fighting the Turok-Han.

As the metal began to get hotter the urge to remove the amulet and run like hell rode him hard. But he fought it and somehow managed to win. If being burnt could be considered a win by any means. He was actually quite proud of himself. The old Spike would've dropped the damn thing the minute it had started to heat up. Who was he kidding? The old Spike would've never worn it in the first place, he wasn't a champion.

But now, because of her, for her, he would wear the hot gaudy necklace and take whatever consequences came. He'd just never figured on them being quite this high. But what the blood hell, maybe he really was a fool for love after all.

angelus2hot, spike/buffy, btvs, 204, ficlet, mal/other, firefly, giles/jenny

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