Prompt 200: Fiction

Dec 16, 2010 13:59

Title: Candles in the Window
Author: angelus2hot
Rating: PG
Word Count: 174
Prompt: 200(candles)
Characters/Pairing: Giles, (Giles/Buffy & Giles/Jenny implied)

Tears gathered in his eyes as he lit the candle. He couldn't believe she was gone. Although he knew he shouldn't be surprised she'd sacrificed herself for the people she loved, to save the world. He just wish it didn't hurt so much and that he'd had a chance to say goodbye. To tell her how much he..... He shook his head sadly and set the candle beside the other one already burning in the window of his apartment.

He had started placing a lit candle in his window, this time of year, after Jenny's death. It was supposed to be a sign for her that wherever she was that she had left someone behind who would always love her. It was the only thing he could do for her now.

Giles brushed away the tears that spilled down his cheeks. By now he should be used to being alone, to being lonely. But the holiday season was always the worst for him. Especially now that there were two candles burning in his window.

giles, giles/other, angelus2hot, btvs, giles/jenny, 200

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