Prompt 198 - a drabble and some icons

Dec 03, 2010 00:38

Two for the price of one today (worth every penny you pay for it too!)

Title: Midnight Snack

Author: gillo

Rating: G

Word Count: 100

Prompt: free-for-all 198 (midnight snack)

Characters/Pairing (if any) Spike/Dru

He took the stupid bint back to the lair, of course. He didn’t feel too hungry, she looked tough as an old boot, though she was trying to play hard as nails, and Dru liked new toys to play with.

The tricky bit? Explaining to her that this one had to be turned, not just eaten, and quickly. Dru pouted and threatened the wrath of Miss Edith.

“I need her for tomorrow, pet. Dead and risen again. So don’t make a meal of her, OK? Just a little midnight snack.”

“A nummy treat for princess?“ Smiling, she tucked in.

And some icons - that most genteel of repasts, afternoon tea.


Comments are as crack to me. Free to snag - credit would be nice.

gillo, giles, spike, fanfic, drusilla, 198, spike/dru, g, icons, drabble, xander

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