Prompt 192: Ficlet

Oct 16, 2010 16:01

Title: The Call Of Vengeance
Author: angelus2hot
Rating: PG
Word Count: 317
Prompt: 192(Holtz)
Characters/Pairing: Holtz

As he stared down at the baby in his arms, he knew he wasn't a good man. What he did now for vengeance sake wasn't the actions of a good man but one who wanted revenge above all else. Being a good man didn't matter to him any longer. He had left that part of himself beside the graves of his wife and baby son. It killed him that his little girl didn't have a grave or anything to mark that while she had been on this earth, she had made her daddy's life a joy.

He had lost everyone he'd ever cared about because the monsters had to make sure that he paid for hunting them and he had paid, dearly. Finding their lifeless bodies was more than enough punishment but that hadn't been enough for them; they had wanted to destroy him. They'd left his daughter alive, in a manner of speaking; she was turned into a vampire. It had left him with only one horrific choice, one that no parent should ever have to make.

Technically, she wasn't his daughter anymore, he knew that but she still called him father with his daughter's voice, still clung to him with his daughter's arms. She was all he had left in the world but it wasn't her. The day he tossed his daughter into the sunlight and stared unfeelingly as she burst into flame, he'd lost his soul.

And now vengeance was all he cared for, all that mattered. It was the first thing that called to him in the morning and the last thing that whispered to him at night.

For one split second he stared at the monster that had destroyed his life and then turned with the vampire's baby still in his arms and jumped into the portal. His revenge wasn't complete by a long shot but at least it was a start.

holtz, 192, ficlet, angelus2hot

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