Prompt 187: Fanart and Fiction

Sep 16, 2010 17:23

Title: History in the Making
Artist: angelus2hot
Rating: PG
Prompt: 187(History)
Characters/Pairing: Angel(Angelus)/Darla

Title: Favorite. Subject. Ever.
Author: angelus2hot
Rating: PG
Word Count: 116
Prompt: 187(Science)
Characters/Pairing: Xander

Xander, sat up straight, his eyes bright with anticipation as she walked into the classroom. Her tight cream sweater and black skirt called to a young man's hormones. And his were no exception, but it was her eyes that held his attention as she looked directly at him.

He felt as if he was the only one in the room, the only man she had ever wanted. He wanted to jump up, beat his hands against his chest and claim her for himself. But somehow he managed to control the urge.

As she turned around and wrote her name across the blackboard Xander smiled to himself, Science was going to be his favorite subject --- ever.

187, angelus2hot, wallpaper, xander, drabble, angel/darla

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