"Reasons to Shut Off the Radio," Xander, PG

Aug 30, 2010 11:44

Title: Reasons to Shut Off the Radio
Author: Eilowyn
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 179
Characters/Pairing (if any): Xander
A/N: Okay, when I said I had all my fics in and I'd stop spamming the comm, I lied. I cross-posted this to my lj and forgot to post it to still_grrr. I really need more coffee.

Xander never really liked Madonna.

Two days after his deflowering at the hands of Faith, “Like a Virgin” came on the radio, and he had to shut it off. It was too much of a reminder about that whole unsettling incident. No shiny and newness for him. Not now.

It was five days after leaving Anya at the altar that he heard another Madonna song. “Material Girl.” Described her perfectly. The Dance of Capitalist Superiority, drawing comfort from counting the money at the Magic Box - Madonna could have been singing about his ex-fiancée.

Nope. Xander never really liked Madonna.

179, pg, xander, drabble, btvs, eilowyn

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