177 ficlet

Jul 09, 2010 03:46

This is very silly. But hey, AC/DC...

Title Why Clubs Have Decibel Limits
Author Beer Good (beer_good_foamy)
Rating PG13
Word Count 300
Prompt 177- AC/DC: "Rock'n'roll Damnation"
Characters/Pairing (if any) Sugarshock!

Why Clubs Have Decibel Limits

It was a good gig. Scratch that. It was a legendary gig, the kind where you almost think there's something supernatural involved. Where the band play like four Mohammed Alis rolled into one Mohammed Ali, except with four bodies that work together. Where the audience moves like two hundred... whoever it was Ali beat up, but still love it. Where they just keep reaching new highs, louder and faster and louder and hotter. And louder. To 11 and beyond.

Right before they finished with "Brat Out Of Hell", Dandelion saw the club owner gesturing frantically for them to turn it down. To which she blew him a kiss, wiped the sweat out of her eyes, jumped on every effect pedal she had and yelled "ONETWOTHREEFOUR!"

There was a huge explosion as the floor in front of the stage ripped apart, and Satan burst forth. Towering over the crowd, holding his pitchfork aloft like a Fender Stratocaster, he bellowed "MWAHAHA. PUNY HUMANS. I GAVE YOU POWER, AND IN USING IT TO SUMMON ME, YOU HAVE DOOMED YOUR ENTIRE -"

Klonnnnk. Robot Phil hit Satan over the head with his bass guitar, and he fell back down into hell in a howl of feedback.

"WOOO! That was awesome!" Dandelion started the song, but unfortunately Phil's bass had gone a bit out of tune from fracturing the Prince of Darkness' skull, and the audience was disappointed by the brief stage show. So the song kind of sputtered out, the club owner took the damage to the floor out of their paycheck, and that benefit gig they had set up at St Mary's Orphanage fell through.

"I hate it when Lucifer shows up."

"Hey, any gig you walk away from, right?"

"I dunno, it would be nice to have a tour bus some day..."

177, beer_good_foamy, ficlet, sugarshock!, pg13

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