Title: The Final Minutes
silver_galaxy Rating: G
Characters: Buffy, Xander, Willow, Cordelia & Oz
Prompt: 171-Black-anxious
Word Count: 533
Disclaimer: not mine
“This is it. We’re doomed.” Buffy moaned, resting her head on the table.
“The next few hours determine our entire future. Our entire future. How is that fair?” exclaimed Willow. “Shouldn’t they look at everything we’ve done to decide whether we’re ready for college?”
“Don’t sweat it Will. Besides even if you do flunk the SATs, you could always get a job with the super secret computer company.” Xander said leaning back on his chair and taking a bite of a donut.
“Flunk? Flunk? No that’s not possible. I can’t flunk the SATs. I have to go to college. I’ve been waiting my entire life to go to college.” Willow reached for the nearest book to try and continue studying, seemingly unaware that it was a book on the history of vampires on the west coast of America and not the advanced calculus book that she had been aiming for.
“How many coffees have you had this morning?” Cordelia said watching Willow frantically search for a relevant chapter.
“Willow, relax.” Oz said pushing the book away from her “You’ve done all the study and taken all the practise tests. You’re going to ace this.” he continued pulling her into a cuddle.
“Anyone want a donut?” Xander said pushing the box closer to the centre of the table, “An excellent pre-SAT food.”
Cordelia pulled the box closer to her seat and peered inside, “Is there anything that isn’t chocolate? After what I saw my parents doing yesterday, I don’t think I can even look at chocolate for at least the next month!”
“Nothing could be worse than what I saw my mother doing yesterday,” Buffy said also reaching for a donut “She was kissing Giles. I think I’m scarred for life. Maybe I should have let Mom write that note for me. Not like I’m going to be able to go to the other side of the country to go to college anyway,” she continued morosely. She took a large bite of a cream filled donut to console herself.
Xander suddenly sat forward and the bang his chair made as it landed back on its front two legs could be heard throughout the library. “My 2B pencils! I left them at home!”
“There’s plenty in Giles’s office. When he was helping me prep I kept using them instead of stakes, so he ended up buying a jumbo box. Trust me, it’s huge. I could probably start using them as stakes on a permanent basis. I don’t think he’ll miss them if you take some.” The sugar rush from the donut was evidently having a positive impact on Buffy’s mood.
“Also, less chance of splinters.” Oz observed.
“Exactly” Buffy replied with a grin.
“Anyone need a pencil?” Xander shouted from inside Giles’s office.
The girls all reached for their bags, double checking that they had everything they needed.
“I’m good.”
Xander returned to the desk and they all sat quietly for the next few minutes. Buffy started fidgeting with the pencils she had pulled out of her bag, whilst Cordelia checked her lipstick in a small mirror.
Oz looked up from stroking Willow’s hair to glance at the clock. “Time to go guys.”