167 and 168 make up drabbles: Fitting (Zoe) and Above the Clouds (Olivia)

May 06, 2010 20:09

Title Fitting
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating PG
Word Count 100
Prompt 167 Zoe
Characters/Pairing Zoe, Wash

Nothing wrong with second, the way Zoe sees it.

Even Wash, sometimes, asks her if she minds. If she wants to be captain someday. If she dreams of power (though he’s making foolish faces when he says that last, probably not serious).

Tell Zoe to shoot, she’ll shoot. Tell her to plan, she’ll plan. Tell her to run, she’ll run. Better, faster and harder than any guy you could name. She’s not second rate.

But ask her to imagine; to dream of futures; to think three moves ahead... doesn’t happen.

Zoe knows where she fits. It’s here, a good second.

Title Above the Clouds
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating PG13 (strong language)
Word Count 100
Prompt 168 Olivia
Characters/Pairing (if any) Olivia/Giles

Fuck buddy is not a nice term. But realistically, that’s what he is. We are.

I arrive from the airport, jetlagged to hell. We exchange hasty commonplaces.

Then we fuck like it’s going out of fashion.

Then I leave.

If I’m unlucky, between points two and three, something violent and demonic happens; mortal danger threatens. We nearly discuss it. Ripper reminds me he was involved in the dark arts way back.

I point out I didn’t believe a word of it.

Then I get back on a plane, and shake in fear till we land. Like now.

Sorry. Too scary.

167, btvs, zoe, firefly, pg, 168, drabble, pg13, brutti_ma_buoni

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