Prompt 164 Fic - a drabble

Apr 09, 2010 00:43

Title: Style Memories
Author: gillo
Rating G:
Word Count: 100
Prompt 164
Characters/Pairing (if any) Robin and Nikki Wood
A/N: Ever wondered about Principal Wood’s style choices?

Robin’s last memory of his momma was not the fearless Slayer going out to destroy the forces of evil. In later years he tried hard to convince himself that he remembered her that way - all dark power and sinews, smashing the bleach-headed vampire to the wet ground.

And yet in his heart he knew the truth. Just before leaving him, forever, she had yelled at him. Called him a messy, thieving brat. Cursed his destructive impulses. Changed his appearance for the rest of his life.

How was he to know he’d played with the last of her hair-frizz product?

gillo, minor btvs char, fanfic, g, btvs, 164, ficlet, drabble, robin

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