Title: Corporate Ladder
Author: Beer Good (
Rating: PG13
Prompt: 162 (Who Framed Roger Rabbit, 1988)
Fandom/timeline: Angel
Word Count: 100
Warning: Cruelty to animals
Characters: OC
Corporate Ladder
Richie had meant to apply for the position of Goat Sacrificer at Wolfram & Hart. It seemed cushy enough; good hours, recession-proof, and all the chèvre he could eat. But it turned out that's not an entry-level position. You don't just walk in off the street and start slicing up goats; you work yourself up to it.
So he started out as a Rabbit Sacrificer. Two long, grueling years down in the sub-sub-basement, decapitating bunnies.
Somehow, he didn't think this was what his father had meant when he told him to get a hare cut and get a real job.