
May 01, 2007 10:13

Title: Psalm 34
Author: skull_theatre
Rating: G
Word Count: 807
Prompt: 011 - Sunnydale Cemetary
Characters/Pairing (if any): Spike
Episode: BtVS - Lies My Parents Told Me

Psalm 34 )

ficlet, spike, skull_theatre, g, btvs, 011-020

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Comments 14

scarlettlily May 1 2007, 17:31:15 UTC
Wow that ficlet was very powerful and could be what Spike did after that time because we were never todl Wonderful job with this, you hit us right where it hurts.


skull_theatre May 1 2007, 18:38:01 UTC
Thank you very much! The BtVS canon is SO incredibly rich, it's really fun to work inside and outside episodes. Is the trench a hairshirt for Spike...


xlivvielockex May 1 2007, 17:59:10 UTC
Really interesting story and one that I think probably should have been on the show. I didn't quite agree with the whole "Spike is insane and then he is fine" thing. This would have been good, to some some kind of remorse. Great idea for a fic.


skull_theatre May 1 2007, 18:39:39 UTC
I would have liked to have seen SO much more of Spike (and Buffy as well) and their interior monologuing...but then, I guess that's why we have fanfiction! :)

Thanks so much!


divadea May 1 2007, 20:31:53 UTC
Wow, beautiful. And painful.


skull_theatre May 1 2007, 23:21:59 UTC
Thank you!!! The dichotomy of "beautiful" and "painful" - I'm glad to hear it read that way!


alwaysjbj May 2 2007, 00:31:26 UTC
Awww... *pets Spike* Very beautifully done. *sniffle*


skull_theatre May 2 2007, 13:11:44 UTC
Thank you so much - sniffling is good!


lorelei_frolick May 2 2007, 00:55:45 UTC

I do like your interpretation of Spike, especially the part about him wanting to hold Wood (that sounds dirty...) I wish we got more character moments like this from him on the show.

You use some very nice turns of phrase too.


skull_theatre May 2 2007, 13:14:34 UTC

Thank you! Mmm....I do tend towards the melo end of dramatic - hee~! But I'm so glad you could see/hear him and I do agree that Wood needed to be held at that point...and Spike to be forgiven...and bladedyblah.

Thanks for reading and commenting!


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