Prompt 152: Fanart

Jan 11, 2010 10:07

Title The Road to Hell
Artist sevendeadlyfun
Rating PG
Prompt 152: Elizabethan tragedies
Characters/Pairing Connor, Cordelia
A/N Text from Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus, which is based on the old legend about a man who sells his soul for knowledge and power.

Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss... )

illyria, gunn, spike, sevendeadlyfun, ats, lorne, connor, fanart, cordelia, 152, pg13

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Comments 14

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sevendeadlyfun January 11 2010, 22:30:26 UTC
I think if Illyria ever approved of anything human, Titus Andronicus would be it. Of course, she'd probably say that it was insignificant compared to the eloquence of the screams of the many thousands of powerful beings she slaughtered every day...but, secretly she'd love it.

I'm glad you liked these!


brunettepet January 11 2010, 17:36:11 UTC
These are gorgeous. The two quotes are perfect selections.


sevendeadlyfun January 11 2010, 22:30:46 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked them.


brutti_ma_buoni January 11 2010, 19:22:40 UTC
These are brilliant matches of words and context, as well as being beautiful to look at. The Road to Hell is probably my favourite, because it's such a cunning connection to make and fits the words so well.


sevendeadlyfun January 11 2010, 22:36:01 UTC
Thank you. I'm such a sucker for Elizabethan literature, so these prompts have been very fun. That whole Jasmine storyline seemed to me to be Joss's retelling of the Faust mythos. Connor is the deceiver and the deceived, running headlong into his own destruction. I'm glad you enjoyed these.


zoesmith January 11 2010, 20:06:08 UTC
They're both absolutely fantastic honey! I particularly love the second one!


sevendeadlyfun January 11 2010, 22:36:47 UTC
Thank you. That's my favorite, too, if only because Illyria looks very wicked and terrifying. I'm glad you liked these.


dipenates January 13 2010, 21:24:24 UTC
These are gorgeous.

I particularly like "The Road to Hell", because I think that the description of hell in Dr Faustus is so appropriate to Illyria's circumstance. Her heaven is gone, destroyed. Everything else is hell.


sevendeadlyfun January 14 2010, 12:14:53 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked them. I think Illryia and Connor would both fit quite nicely into the tragic works of the period. Both of their stories revolve around loss in one form or another.


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