Fic: Adults Behaving Badly

Dec 18, 2009 18:02

Title Adults Behaving Badly
Author Brutti ma Buoni
Rating PG
Word Count 550
Prompt 149 October - Halloween
Characters/Pairing (if any) Joyce, Principal Snyder
A/N: Originally written for Phantasmagoria, for the episode Halloween

Elvira, the Bride of Frankenstein, stared perplexedly ahead. Surely there was only one real Dracula? She seemed to be in a room with at least four. The punch in her glass didn’t seem particularly strong, either. And she’d never seen quadruple before, even as a boozy student.

Student? Had she really been to university? She’d married straight out of the schoolroom, and Victor hadn’t been the kind of master to promote lifelong learning. It seemed unlikely anyway that she would have been indulging in alcoholic frenzies as an extra-mural student of the University of Transylvania. What a peculiar thought.

Elvira shook her head to clear it, and decided it was time to circulate. She couldn’t quite remember who was hosting the gathering, but they didn’t seem to be doing a terribly good job of getting people to mingle. There was definite tension among the vampires, and one of Victor’s Monsters had been left to lurch alone in a corner. Rather a short Monster. Shorter than her. How strange - Victor usually tended to pick rather statuesque specimens. At least she wasn’t married to this one.

Oh no. Who had invited a nun? She looked most uncomfortable, backed into a corner by the advancing Dracula phalanx. Elvira glided over, hostessly in the extreme: “Darlink! You simply must come and chat to…” She scanned the room desperately for a suitable companion. You couldn’t have guests devoured so early in the evening. Not unless they’d been invited expressly for the purpose.

“…Ah, this gentleman…” He was green and slimy, but smiling warmly. The lack of obvious weaponry or bloodlust made him a viable option. A good party works on good conversational pairings. And no unplanned murders, ideally.

This party, though, never really got going. Someone hadn’t thought through the invitations policy nearly carefully enough. There was a strong emphasis on the more…starry members of the netherworlds. Altogether too many egos for one gathering. Freddy Krueger, Norman Bates’s mother, Lestat, Lecter. Oh dear, what a menagerie. Elvira buzzed graciously around the rooms nonetheless, feeling her black lipstick smear from smiling and her up-do sag under the sheer weight of social obligation. Somebody, after all, had to help things along.

The short Monster tried to get fresh with her by the hors d’oeuvres. She was forced into quite a lengthy speech about how being the Bride of Frankenstein didn’t necessarily compel her to be a bride to all things Frankenstein. He didn’t take it awfully well.

Her feet hurt in the suitably killer heels.

Why had it seemed a good idea to go the whole Halloween fancy dress hog?

That man in the store had been extremely persuasive though. And everyone had thought it might be fun to act like kids again. Discreetly, of course, and in a house without adolescents, to avoid future mortification.

Fun…perhaps. But everyone had taken it just a little too seriously. Now there was a simultaneous recognition that things had gone too far. Joyce watched as the Draculas en masse realised they were over-acting childishly, and trooped off to find some beers. Principal Snyder, neck bolt coming adrift and flat-topped head flapping, stopped sulking in a corner and left for home, trying to rescue some dignity. Hah.

Had she really been saying ‘Darlink’?

And why Elvira, exactly? She’d never mentally named the Bride before.

Joyce hoped Buffy never found out about this. Getting carried away by fancy dress. Who would have believed it?

holiday havoc, joyce, 149, snyder, brutti_ma_buoni, fic

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