Title: Everything
angelus2hotRating: G
Prompt: 145(The Trial)
Characters/Pairing: Angel/Darla
Title: Saving Darla
angelus2hotRating: PG
Word Count: 170
Prompt: 145(The Trial)
Characters/Pairing: Angel
I wanted so badly to save her.
Guilt claws at my insides, ripping away bits of my soul as I ask myself over and over again if I really did do everything I could to save her. I don’t have the answer to that question.
No. That’s not really true. I just don’t like the answer.
I thought that trying to save her human life, her soul was more important then helping her to live. And I tried anything I could think of instead of doing the one thing that I knew for sure would have saved her. But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't save her.
I withheld the one thing that she wanted and needed from me. And now courtesy of Drusilla and Wolfram and Hart she no longer has the soul I was so worried about saving. She’s a monster again. Maybe she would have been different if I had been the one to turn her back into a vampire.
But now I'll never know. -