Prompt 011 ~ 2 Ethan drabbles

Apr 28, 2007 14:49

A couple more instalments from my Days of Blood and Wine series.

Title: Sunshine on my Shoulders
Author: Always_jbj
Rating: PG
Word Count: 264
Prompt: 011 Set in Toulon
Characters/Pairing: Ethan (Giles/Ethan)

Sunshine on my Shoulders )

ethan, giles, always_jbj, g, btvs, ficlet, pg, drabble, 011-020

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Comments 13

velvetwhip April 28 2007, 05:20:19 UTC
I just love your Gethan! And these make marvelous companion pieces here!



alwaysjbj April 28 2007, 05:26:06 UTC
Thanks, sweetie! I'm really glad you think they work well as companion pieces... even though they are set years apart in the series, the second one was always meant to be a reflection on the first, so I'm happy that you feel I achieved that.


velvetwhip April 28 2007, 05:32:32 UTC
They work beautifully together. They truly do. I love your take on this pairing.



scarlettlily April 28 2007, 14:07:18 UTC
The first was cute and funny and the last was sad.


alwaysjbj April 29 2007, 05:59:12 UTC
Thank you! That is exactly what I was aiming for with both.


selene2 April 28 2007, 15:54:55 UTC
You know how much I love your Gethan. These are just wonderful!


alwaysjbj April 29 2007, 06:00:21 UTC
*Squishes* Thank you, sweetie.


boy_named_susie April 30 2007, 20:28:56 UTC
These are really well written and they do go together marvelously. And you made me feel really sad for poor Ethan in the second one.


alwaysjbj April 30 2007, 22:17:32 UTC
Thank you! Ohh...goody--do I see a potential Ethan fan in the making? lol


xlivvielockex April 30 2007, 21:40:03 UTC
You do have a way with description. Very vivid. I like how the two were connected too. They could stand alone but I think they are stronger when together. Good job on these.


alwaysjbj April 30 2007, 22:18:42 UTC
Thank you! I'm ever so glad you enjoyed them.


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