Title: The Blue (Joyce liked it so)
deird1Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 135 (the Scoobies react to Joyce's death)
Character: Willow (kind of)
The Blue (Joyce liked it so)
Three days later, the sweater is put half on… then placed back in the drawer. Willow grabs the red instead, and heads to class.
It almost gets worn two weeks later, when Willow goes out for coffee.
It’s nearly the sweater Willow picks to wrap tenderly around her bewildered-and-blank lover. But she hesitates, then chooses another.
It sits in the drawer until, later, Willow empties everything onto the floor, and starts packing them into boxes. The red is packed, and the purple, the fuzzy yellow, the stripey yellow-and-orange.
But the blue is laid aside, left there, and never worn again.