Title: Watch
angelus2hotRating: PG-13
Prompt: 130(adjective: Hot)
Characters/Pairing: Wesley(manip)
Title: Just Like A Normal Girl
angelus2hotRating: PG-13
Word Count: 214
Prompt: 130(adjective: First)
Characters/Pairing: Buffy (Angel/Buffy implied)
A/N: set after the episode Innocence
Just like a normal girl, Buffy's life was full of firsts. Her first crush. Her first date. And her first kiss.
But suddenly her world slipped out of normal.
She had her first watcher when she was fifteen and called to be the slayer. Shortly after that was the first vampire she’d ever seen. Followed closely by the first vampire she’d staked.
And then inevitably came the first and only time she’d burned down the school gym. She’s still kind of shocked that she had the audacity to pull it off.
She lost her first watcher before she moved to Sunnydale after her parent’s divorce. Actually the divorce was her Mom's first but she still counts it as hers.
More firsts had come in quick succession after moving to Sunnydale.
She found friends that knew she was the slayer and weren’t freaked out by it. She had teamed up with a cursed ventriloquist dummy that had walked and talked. That was definitely a first.
She’d fought the Master and died.
But most importantly she’d lost her heart to the vampire with a soul, and lost her innocence to that same vampire. But because of hormones and rash decisions she’d lost him.
And now she has her first broken heart. Just like a normal girl. -