127 drabble

Jul 20, 2009 00:17

Title: If The Band You're In Starts Playing Different Tunes
Author: Beer Good (beer_good_foamy)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 127 - classic rock; incorporating lyrics from ”Eclipse” by Pink Floyd.
Characters: Giles, Ethan

If The Band You're In Starts Playing Different Tunes

Giles loosens his tie once he's home. Everything's packed, white spaces on the walls; he can afford a bigger flat now. The ceremony was a rather dull affair. Five men in impeccable suits, a solemn oath to fight the forces of darkness, and now he's officially a member of the ancient order of Watchers.

There's a congratulatory postcard waiting for him; the front shows Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here, the burning man shaking hands. Scrawled on the back, no return adress or signature:

”Remember: There is no dark side of the moon, Ripper. Matter of fact, it's all dark.”

ethan, giles, beer_good_foamy, pg, 127, drabble, btvs

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