126 ficlet

Jul 17, 2009 01:41

Title: Sparks Will Fly
Author: Beer Good (beer_good_foamy)
Rating: PG13, possibly R
Word Count: 250
Prompt: 126 - country; incorporating lyrics from ”We'll Sweep Out The Ashes In The Morning” by Joyce Allsup, recorded by Gram Parsons & Emmylou Harris.
Characters/Pairing: Buffy/Faith
Summary: Missing scene from ”Bad Girls”.

Sparks Will Fly

”We've got to stop this.”

They kicked down the door, crashing bright California sunlight across the room, then blew through the nest, vamps going up in flames left and right before they even got to slay them. Watching each other work like mirror images of each other, knowing what the other one was going to do before they did it, feeling each other breathe, move, thrust, kill. Staked the last one at the same time, Faith from behind and Buffy head-on.

”You're the one on top. You stop.”

Then suddenly, just the two of them; the stillness after the kill unbearable, deafening. Faith dropped her stake, put her hand over Buffy's and pulled Mr Pointy to her lips, licking the vamp dust off it. In the corner, a spark caught in a couple of old books, and the light reflected off the wet wood.

”You're the one doing... oh. Don't you dare stop.”

The mattress smoldered as they landed on it, moving as one, deadly hands now fumbling for life. Faith found blonde hair and smoke in her eyes, lips too busy for snappy comebacks, barely bothering to point out the obvious.

”Building's on fire, B.”

Here, now, no past, no future, Buffy snaps her jeans open, digging for fire, ignoring the haze of smoke and dust around them. Heat sears Faith's back and she hisses, swallowing hot air from another's lungs. Outside the sun's starting to sink, the flames throwing darker shadows on the walls.

”Let it burn.”

buffy/other, beer_good_foamy, ficlet, faith, buffy, btvs, 126

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