Prompt 113: Fanart

Apr 14, 2009 21:51

Title Cotton-Top Hell
Artist sevendeadlyfun
Rating PG
Prompt 113-Sarcasm
Characters/Pairing Giles, Anya
A/N Text from BtVS S6 ep Tabula Rasa

Oh bugger off, you brolly! )

fanart, anya, giles, 111-120, sevendeadlyfun, pg, btvs

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Comments 15

zoesmith April 15 2009, 11:29:54 UTC
Oh I love Giles/Anya! This is gorgeous!


sevendeadlyfun April 17 2009, 03:16:28 UTC
Thanks, hon. I actually don't usually enjoy the Giles/Anya pairing thing. I think that's because I secretly want Anya to get her HEA with Xander...which is odd because I also love Spike/Xander. And that would be my 0T3 except I have this minor obsession with Spike/Dru/Connor but only if Angel is secretly watching while being turned on and yet loathing himself...

You can see why I'm simultaneously afraid of and drawn towards this bizarre fic quadrangle of OTness. But I did enjoy this scene if only because Giles losing it is fun. Also, I went way way further into that than maybe I needed to.


rebcake April 15 2009, 15:28:40 UTC
This is great fun. Pretty, too. Excellent idea!


sevendeadlyfun April 17 2009, 03:17:31 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


brunettepet April 15 2009, 16:47:39 UTC
This is lovely and hilarious. What a great scene.


sevendeadlyfun April 17 2009, 03:18:21 UTC
It's one of the better scenes in that episode, I think. Of course, it's almost impossible to top the lampshade "Vamp with soul? Lame!" scene, but this is pretty close. Glad you enjoyed this.


brutti_ma_buoni April 15 2009, 18:30:49 UTC
I love this so much - both the scene and what you've done with it!


sevendeadlyfun April 17 2009, 03:19:00 UTC
Thanks, hon. By the by, you didn't say where you wanted your personalized banner sent. Do you have an email addy you prefer or would you just like me to post it to my LJ for you to snag?


angelus2hot April 17 2009, 02:41:34 UTC
Lovely, simply lovely artwork!


sevendeadlyfun April 17 2009, 03:19:49 UTC
Thanks, sweetie! YOUR ICON HAS THE PENISMOBILE. I am so charmed I am reduced to capslock squee. YAY!


angelus2hot April 17 2009, 20:31:14 UTC
You're welcome!

Hee! I'm glad you liked it, I had fun making it.


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