Title: Lorne
angelus2hotRating: G
Prompt:111 Favorite character
Characters/Pairing: Lorne
A/N: In memory of Andy Hallett
Title: The Green Velvet Fog
angelus2hotRating: G
Prompt: 111 Favorite character
Characters/Pairing: Lorne
A/N: In memory of Andy Hallett
Title: Never Been A Hero
angelus2hotRating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 111 Favorite character/Favorite episode (hero)
Characters/Pairing: Doyle
I've never been a hero. Never really wanted to be. That's for guys that have it in them, like Angel. Me, I just don't have that kind of strength. I'd rather take the pleasures of the flesh any day.
That was until I looked into the eyes of one Cordelia Chase. From that second on I would have liked to be the kind of man, who was a hero. The one that swooped in saved the day and rode off into the sunset with the damsel.
It wasn’t meant to be. But at least I get to save the damsel. -
Title: Goodbye
angelus2hotRating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 111 Favorite character/favorite episode (the gift)
Characters/Pairing: Buffy
How can such a tiny word cause so much sorrow?
It's a word I hate. I hate how saying it is guaranteed to break your heart into pieces. And I should know. Over the years I've had to say it more times than I can count. A lot more times than I've wanted to. Dad, Angel, Riley, and Mom. I've said goodbye to them all.
And it never gets any easier.
This time I'm the one leaving but I'm not going to say goodbye. It's easier this way.
I kiss Dawn on the cheek and dive into the portal. -
Title: A Promise Is A Promise
angelus2hotRating: G
Word Count: 118
Prompt: 111 Favorite character
Characters/Pairing: Angel (buffy/angel implied)
With sadness and regret I watch as shock and pain struggle for dominance in my lover’s eyes. In her mind I’ve put her enemy above her. What she doesn’t want to accept is this isn’t about her or me. Or even my love for her. It’s about the salvation of a soul.
Pain finally wins, and I wish for the millionth time that I wasn’t the cause of it. But I am. One way or another it seems as if I’m always hurting her.
I want to take her in my arms and tell her I’m sorry. That I was wrong. But I can’t. I made a promise.
And I won’t break that promise. Not even for her. -
Title: The Dumbest Thing I’ve Ever Said
angelus2hotRating: R for language
Word Count: 106
Prompt: 111 Favorite character/favorite episode (Not Fade Away)
Characters/Pairing: Angel
“Personally, I want to slay the dragon.”
I’ve said a lot of dumb things in my time but that has to be the dumbest. Bar none. What the hell was I thinking? I’m a fucking vampire. A dragon breathes fire. One blow from him and I’m history.
I watch as the demon horde descends on us. Overhead the dragon is circling. Watching. Waiting. Suddenly its roar blares through the night.
The battle was short and over in minutes. There wasn’t anyway to tell there had even been a battle at all. Unless of course you looked closely at the pile of dust lying on the ground. -