Title: Darla
angelus2hotRating: G
Prompt: 109
Characters/Pairing; Darla
Title: Call Me Ripper
angelus2hotRating: PG:13
Word Count: 262
Characters/Pairing: Lilah/Giles
Lilah sat on the edge of the desk as she answered the phone. "What do you mean you can’t have it ready today? Why not? What? Listen you idiot, I don't give a rat's ass what day it is. It could be Valentine's Day for all I care. If that document is not on my desk in ten minutes I'll send you home to your wife. In pieces!"
"How very unromantic of you."
Lilah replaced the phone in the cradle as she watched him walk towards her. She didn't know or care why the Senior Partners wanted him here, it was probably just another way to get at Angel. But whatever their reasons she wasn't about to kick a gift horse in the mouth.
They'd been together for weeks now and it never ceased to amaze her just how much he turned her on. She could actually feel her mouth begin to water when he walked into a room. Honestly the effect he had on her ought to be considered illegal. He did things to her equilibrium that a man half his age couldn't do. And things to her body a younger man wouldn't even think to do.
Finally, after what seemed like hours but was only seconds, he was close enough that she could smell his aftershave. Close enough that he would finally touch her; close enough she would be able to lose herself in his arms.
"Giles." She whispered breathlessly.
He ran his hand slowly from her hip to her thigh as he whispered in her ear. "Call me Ripper.”-