110 drabble - An evil name...

Mar 23, 2009 08:16

Title: An evil name should be like Lex, or Voldemort, or…
Author: deird1
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 110 (the Trio)
Characters: Andrew, Warren, Jonathan

An evil name should be like Lex, or Voldemort, or…

“I’ve got it: The Thrice-icle!” announced Warren dramatically.

“…like bicycle?”

“Like icicle.”

Andrew considered it. “No, that’d only work if we had super ice powers, or something.”

“Well, once the freeze ray’s working…”



“Whatever. Hey, what about Trinity?” suggested Jonathan.

Warren rolled his eyes. “You can’t name everything after the Matrix, you know.”

“I was thinking more of the whole three-in-one Trinity. You know, from the Bible?”

“Oh, ‘cause that’s original,” Andrew pointed out.

Jonathan looked defiant. “Okay, then what’s your idea?”

“How about The Threesome?”

A short pause.

Followed by a longer pause.


“No. Just… no.”

101-110, jonathan, g, btvs, andrew, warren, drabble, deird1

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