Title: Eggsplanations
lilachighRating: PG
Word Count: 198
Prompt: 110, The Mayor
Characters: The Mayor
Author's Note: written some time ago, but hopefully still OK
The embers were still smoking, the ruins lying in water soaked chaos above. Deep in the basement of what had once been a school, a small egg rolled and slid and rolled again into the wet earth and snuggled down - to wait.
The thing inside sighed and made itself comfortable. It was disappointed - not that it had been blown into fleshy gobbets or that a girl had bested it. No, it was disappointed by their lack of basic knowledge. In his younger days, everyone would have known that when you explode magical snakes, they lay an egg at the second of their death. I mean where did they think the old saying, “don’t teach your grandmother to suck eggs” had come from if not as a warning?
It settled down to wait for its hatching. Fifty years was no more than a blink in time. As it dozed off, it decided that the whole education system needed to be totally overhauled and by golly, he was the thing to do it. The next time round, he thought he might come back as President; then he could make sure such items were covered in the curriculum.