
Feb 01, 2009 15:50

Title More Deaths than One
Author Bruttimabuoni
Rating PG
Word Count ~700
Prompt 103 (Tru Calling - Eliza Dushku)
Characters/Pairing (if any) Buffy, Tru Davies
A/N: What lies behind what we saw in Prophecy Girl? Crossover.

Welcome to Sunny California… )

101-110, x-over, pg, btvs, brutti_ma_buoni, fic

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Comments 10

americangrl69 February 1 2009, 16:14:33 UTC
I loved it.


brutti_ma_buoni February 1 2009, 19:28:54 UTC
Thanks so much!


brunettepet February 1 2009, 17:10:31 UTC
This was a clever premise, very well realized. I love the idea of Tru mucking about in the Buffyverse and finding it too weird for her taste. Her take on the Angel and Xander dynamic and the gang taking the advice of mysterious strangers was also a delight.


brutti_ma_buoni February 1 2009, 19:29:54 UTC
*g* Well, all Tru has is time travel and resurrected corpses. Just think what else the Buffyverse has to add! Thanks for commenting.


deird1 February 1 2009, 19:12:04 UTC
Fantastic! I've always wanted to have Tru saving someone in the Buffyverse, but could never figure out how...


brutti_ma_buoni February 1 2009, 19:36:44 UTC
Thanks! Honestly, I think there's potentially a lot more to this story, but I did enjoy just dropping Tru in at that point (and it does explain how Xander found Angel in a crisis; one of those annoying unresolved queries). Maybe someday I'll write an epic version...


rebcake February 1 2009, 20:19:50 UTC
I haven't seen Tru, but this was fun. Also, I like the little tip o' the hat to Heroes. I am always trying to explain to people that, no, Claire is not like Buffy, except that they are both cute blondes. *sigh*

Well done, lassie.


brutti_ma_buoni February 1 2009, 21:09:11 UTC
I think 'she saves dead people' sums up Tru enough to be going on with! I was very tempted to get in a 'save the cheerleader' too, but juuust managed to hold off. Thanks for reading!


stormwreath February 2 2009, 13:33:19 UTC
Well, we all know Buffy used to be a cheerleader, so we get the 'Heroes' reference anyway. :-) And I liked how you fitted this in before Season 3 so there would be no Eliza-Dushku-lookalike related confusion...



brutti_ma_buoni February 2 2009, 14:11:12 UTC
Thanks! I so badly wish, for the purposes of this fic, that Tru came before Faith. But sadly that's beyond my powers...


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