102 Drabble: Tasting, testing

Jan 26, 2009 21:18

Title Tasting, Testing
Author Bruttimabuoni
Rating PG
Word Count 100
Prompt 102 Chance
Characters/Pairing Angelus/Darla

Eternity is a bore. The first ten decades pass in frivolity and glee. But eventually one has to admit that existence without partnership grows stale.

I tasted a magus, reeking with power. His grizzled mind and pomposity were bitter on the tongue.

A warrior then, proud and commanding? Mere iron in the blood. Not for me.

No. A boy. Unformed and unthinking, twitching with life. Mine to form. He tasted rich and delectable, fine wine and sweetmeats. Potential to mature; perhaps a vintage to relish. A risk, certainly, but an end to ennui.

I took my chance. He seized his.

101-110, angelus, pg, drabble, btvs, brutti_ma_buoni, darla

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